T-bar Edgings
Shock and impact-proof T-bar edgings
This large range also provides professional tradesmen with various T-bar knock in edgings, which, thanks to their special design, mean they are very easily workable. The T-bar knock in edging is provisionally fixed in place with the T-bar which is fitted on the reverse side of the edging. So T-bar knock in edgings provide the craftsman with an outstanding benefit when applying edgings by hand. They provide an effective solution particularly in the production of contoured shaped parts.
- Easy to work and assemble
- Good protective effect
- Highly shock and impact-resistant
- Large variety of colours
OSTERMANN supplies T-bar knock in edgings of various types, such as plastic and aluminium. The Metall, Standard, Parat, Compact, Ideal, Ergosoft, Classic, Elipse and Tablo varieties are just a few of the many types of T-bar edgings available. Depending on the particular characteristics, T-bar edgings form a visual and haptic contrast to the furniture material applied. This enables them to create unique eye-catching features in furniture production and interiors. OSTERMANN is able to supply edgings with a T-bar retrospectively fitted to all 2 mm thick ABS edgings from the huge range in stock.