In order to always provide you with the latest products for cutting-edge furniture trends, we maintain a close cooperation with many different international suppliers. Moreover, our experts regularly visit national and international trade fairs. As your reliable partner for modern furniture construction and interior design, we consider it an important service to pass on our knowledge about new trends and products immediately to you - our customers. And we chose to do this in an uncluttered, entertaining way: in the form of “the MAGAZINE”, with large images and informative texts.
Therefore, in each issue, we will use the categories „Trends and Innovations“ and „Products in Focus“ to show you the latest trends and introduce single products or product groups. And since your daily work is about craft, you will of course frequently find expert advice from our carpenters/cabinet makers in your new Magazine.
Find inspiration for exciting new projects!
Trends and Innovations
Trends and InnovationsProducts in Focus
Products in FocusExpert Advice
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