Processing of Sibu Design Boards
Bonding of Sibu boards
1. Acclimatising of the materials
The design boards are used as a surface and a substrate. Before processing, all materials have to be left to acclimatise.
2. Rough trimming of both boards
The boards can be cut with standard tools. Cut the decor boards bigger than the wooden substrate.
3. Sanding the reverse side
The boards can be cut with standard tools. Cut the decor boards bigger than the wooden substrate.
4. Cleaning the back of the Sibu board
Thoroughly clean the reverse sides. After vacuuming, use a cleaning cloth as well to wipe the decor boards. For the substrate, the blow off is enough.
5. Applying the adhesive
Apply the glue to the substrate with a toothed spatula. The applied quantity should be between 100 - 150 g / m², depending on the absorbency of the substrate.
6. Pressing of the boards
Place decor boards in the middle of the substrate and press with a pressure of 0.5 N / mm². At 20°C, the pressing time is approx. 30 minutes. The maximum pressing temperature is at 45°C.
7. Refined cutting
If properly bonded, the workpiece can immediately be milled and further processed.