Lamello - the Right Connector for Any Application!
We provide you with Lamello's entire assortment - fast and reliably. But did you know the services we offer around Lamello products?
1. Proposal Stage
You will always find the right connector for your application within the Lamello range. In our Product Groups, we have gathered for you all the important information on connecting fittings as well as properties and advantages of the Lamello systems. Our experts will of course also tend to your questions on the phone. Are you using trade software? With compatible ERP systems, you can retrieve all relevant item information directly from your software.
2. Technical Planning
For you to be able to start planning right away, we have entered all relevant information for technical planning right next to the corresponding products in our online shop. For processors using CAD software, CAD data for the Lamello range is available and can be downloaded next to the items. Once these data are integrated into your CAD software, your CNC system can automatically carry out the necessary milling for the connector.
3. Item List Preparation and Order
The material price list can be generated manually or automatically. If you work with a compatible ERP system, data is transferred from your CAD planning and given out in detailed item lists. Ideally, your order has now been placed automatically from the software. If you prefer to create your item list manually, you can easily enter your order or simply upload it as a CSV file. You are also welcome to place your order with our sales employees over the phone.
4. Processing the Workpieces
When processing the workpieces with a CNC machining centre, the millings are made directly into the workpiece, with no additional manual effort. For manual milling, we have in our range a hand-held Zeta P2 biscuit joiner. It allows for precise milling and positioning.
5. Final Processing
Once the millings are done, whether with a CNC or Zeta P2, you can easily insert the connectors into the workpiece.
6. Transport to the Customer
Even with inserted connectors, the furniture elements can be transported easily and without any connectors scratching the surface.